Signing of a lease

The signing of a lease is the operation by which the landlord and tenant commit themselves to each other. A promise to lease has no legal value and does not protect the tenant in case of refusal to enter into a rental contract. If no lease is signed (a verbal lease is valid according to […]


Indivision is a legal situation in which several people hold equal or unequal rights of the same nature on the same property or group of properties, without the share of each of these co-owners being physically identifiable.

Business assets

The business assets refer to a set of movable and immovable property gathered with the aim of attracting customers.

Abuse of corporate assets (ABS)

Abuse of corporate assets (ABS) consists of using company funds in the interest of the corporate officer or director and contrary to the interests of the company (the social interest).

Rent setting

The amount of rent is indicated in the lease agreement. The methods of rent setting differ depending on the geographic location of the housing (tight or relaxed zone). When the housing is located in a relaxed zone, the rent is freely set between the landlord and the tenant. For housing classified as F or G, […]

A Civil Real Estate Company

A Civil Real Estate Company is a civil company with a real estate purpose. It is also called a real estate management company. Setting up an SCI makes it easier to transfer real estate assets.

Authorization to work for a foreign employee in France

To work in France as an employee, whether as a main or a secondary activity, a foreigner must be authorized to work in France. The authorization to work is distinct from the right to stay. An individual who is in a regular situation may not have the authorization to work in France. This is the […]

Enforceability of the employment situation – Foreign Employee

A foreigner who wishes to work in France must have a work authorization in order to be in regular situation. This authorization may be refused if the profession concerned is highly demanded in France and the level of unemployment is too high. The employer who wishes to hire a foreigner in France must verify if […]

Pledge of shares

The pledge of shares is the act of pledging the shares of a company (SCI, SARL, SAS, etc.) to provide a debt guarantee to creditors. This operation allows “pledged” creditors to: • be paid as a priority • obtain a right to follow the pledged shares in the event of a transfer or sale, until […]

Pluriannual residence permit in France

A pluriannual residence permit in France is a permit that is valid for more than one year. Its validity can be up to 4 years. The issuance of this permit prevents its holder from having to renew their residence permit annually by default. To obtain a pluriannual residence permit, you must first meet the conditions […]