Are you a foreign parent of a French citizen living in France and would like to obtain a residence permit on this basis in France? MALEKIAN law firm can assist you in preparing your request for a residence permit for parent of a French national or in challenging the rejection of your request for a residence permit for parent of a French national with the administration or before the competent court.
What is a request for a residence permit for parent of a French national?
A foreign national who is a parent of a French national can obtain a residence permit on this basis if certain conditions are met. However, in order to continue living in France legally after their stay, they must have a residence permit.
What are the conditions to be met for a temporary residence permit for parent of a French national?
• Proof of filiation with the French national, their nationality or that of their spouse
• Sufficient means to support themselves
• Health coverage in France
• Proof of accommodation in France
What are the reasons for refusing a request for a residence permit for parent of a French national?
• The prefecture may refuse the request for a residence permit for parent of a French national if one or more of the specific conditions (above) required in their situation are not met
• Non-authenticity of the civil status document produced by the foreign national (e.g. mistakes or errors on the document or failure to include mandatory information, etc.)
• Threat to public order (e.g. in case of conviction in France)
• Etc.
How to challenge a refusal of a request for a residence permit for parent of a French national?
An appeal against the refusal of a request for a residence permit for parent of a French national can be made at two levels. A gracious administrative appeal and/or a contentious appeal before the competent administrative court.