Acquisition of French nationality by naturalization

Have you been in France for at least five years and wish to obtain French citizenship? The MALEKIAN Law Firm supports you in preparing your application for French nationality or in challenging the rejection of your application before the competent administrative court.

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Have you been in France for at least five years and wish to obtain French citizenship? The MALEKIAN Law Firm supports you in preparing your application for French nationality or in challenging the rejection of your application before the competent administrative court.

What is a naturalization application?

A naturalization application is a procedure through which a foreign resident in France applies to become a French citizen by decree.

What are the necessary conditions to apply for naturalization in France?

The necessary conditions to apply for naturalization in France are as follows:

  1. Residence in France: You must have resided legally and continuously in France for at least 5 consecutive years at the time of the application (some exceptions apply, such as for refugees or spouses of French citizens, individuals who have completed and succeeded in two consecutive years of higher education in France).
  2. Right of stay: You must hold a valid residence permit at the time of the application.
  3. Proficiency in the French language: You must demonstrate a sufficient level of knowledge of the French language, assessed through an interview or by presenting a French language diploma.
  4. Integration into French society: You must demonstrate your willingness to integrate into French society, including knowledge of the values and principles of the Republic.
  5. Stable and sufficient means of subsistence: You must prove that you have sufficient resources to support yourself and your family without relying on social assistance.
  6. No criminal convictions: You must not have been convicted of criminal offenses and must not pose a threat to public order. These conditions are general, and there are other specific criteria that may apply to certain particular situations.

What are the competent authorities responsible for a naturalization application in France?

In France, the competent authorities responsible for processing naturalization applications are primarily:

The prefecture: The prefecture is the main point of contact for naturalization applications. It is at the prefecture that you must submit your naturalization application and provide all the required documents.

The Ministry of the Interior: The Ministry of the Interior is the authority responsible for reviewing naturalization files and making the final decision. The ministry examines your application, assesses your eligibility, and decides whether to grant or refuse naturalization.

The Directorate of Citizenship: The Directorate of Citizenship, attached to the Ministry of the Interior, is responsible for overseeing naturalization procedures and ensuring consistency in decisions made throughout the country.

The French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII): The OFII may be involved in the naturalization process, particularly in assessing the applicant’s integration and fulfillment of obligations related to republican integration.

It is important to note that procedures and competent authorities may vary depending on the specific nature of the naturalization application, such as naturalization through marriage, naturalization by decree, etc. It is recommended to contact your prefecture or consult the official website of the Ministry of the Interior for the most up-to-date and situation-specific information.

What are the reasons for the refusal of a naturalization application in France?

There are several reasons that may lead to the refusal of a naturalization application in France. Some common reasons for refusal include:

  1. Non-compliance with legal requirements: If you do not meet the legal eligibility criteria, such as the duration of residence, proficiency in the French language, or integration into French society, your application may be rejected.
  2. Threat to public order: If you represent a threat to security or public order due to past criminal activities, links with extremist groups, or deemed dangerous behaviors, your application may be rejected.
  3. Submission of inauthentic documents or false information: If you intentionally provide false information or falsified documents in your application, it may lead to a refusal.
  4. Failure to pay taxes or contribute to family expenses: If you have not fulfilled your tax obligations or have outstanding payments regarding family expenses, it may constitute a reason for refusal.
  5. Failure to respect republican principles: If you have expressed views or adopted behaviors contrary to republican principles, such as gender equality, secularism, or human rights, your application may be rejected.
  6. Lack of loyalty: If an individual is deemed lacking loyalty to France, for example, by demonstrating behaviors or making statements that go against national interests, it may result in the refusal of their naturalization application. The final decision depends on the assessment of the competent authorities in matters of naturalization. It is important to note that each naturalization application is evaluated on an individual basis. The specific reason for refusal may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case.

How to challenge a decision of refusal or postponement of a naturalization application?

The recourse against the refusal of a naturalization application in France can be done in two stages:

Administrative appeal: You must draft an administrative appeal clearly stating the reasons for contesting the decision of refusal or postponement. The appeal should be addressed to the competent administrative authority.

Legal appeal: If the administrative appeal is rejected or if no response is received within the specified timeframe, you may consider filing a legal appeal before the administrative court. This generally involves engaging a lawyer specialized in immigration law.

The MALEKIAN Law Firm assists you in preparing your naturalization application file and/or in challenging the rejection or postponement of your naturalization application before the competent administrative court.


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